To new adventures

Published on 28 February 2025 at 07:32

I have always wanted to own my own business so I could best serve my community and take care of my family, I just never knew how. I started out as an AVON representative and failed to grow my business successfully. The more I learned about the company the more I realized it wasn't for me. I come from a background of independent entrepreneurs and leaders in business. I first heard about notaries back in 2016 but I didn't know what exactly that meant. I was getting married and needed a notary. Needless to say that marriage didn't work out but the experience opened the door of a possible new career later in life. Fast forward almost 10 years the opportunity had risen again. I am now a commissioned notary in the state of Missouri and I'm so excited for this new journey. I have a new fiancé, a beautiful baby girl and a community I'm eager to serve.

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